Mediante un complejo sistema de búsqueda y validación de fuentes documentales CTAEX pone en marcha el Observatorio Tecnológico del Tomate, donde se suministran la información proveniente de artículos científicos, revistas, bases de patentes y legislativas, además de análisis de mercado.
|#|¬Noticias |#|¬ Revista de Prensa |#|¬ Noticias de Tomato News |#|¬Artículos Científicos |#|¬Patentes |#|¬ Eventos |#|¬Ofertas tecnológicas y licitaciones |#|Legislación
Noticias – Observatorio del tomate para industria Información sectorial del tomate para industria de España
por CTAEX el día 25 marzo, 2022 a las 1:17 pm
El lunes 28 de marzo da comienzo el Simposio Científico El Centro Tecnológico […]
El Congreso Mundial del Tomate se celebrará en modalidad virtual
por CTAEX el día 18 enero, 2022 a las 1:45 pm
Según informa el comité organizador, el 14 ° Congreso Mundial del Tomate y el 16 […]
La transformación del tomate en España: un ejemplo de integración, sostenibilidad y resiliencia
por CTAEX el día 14 septiembre, 2021 a las 11:21 am
Tomato News se basa en el informe publicado por José Luis Llerena Ruiz, […]
Revista de Prensa – Observatorio del tomate para industria Información sectorial del tomate para industria de España
Ayudas para los productores de tomate de industria
por CTAEX el día 22 noviembre, 2021 a las 10:42 am
Según el comunicado de la Consejería de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, […]
El Congreso Mundial del Tomate se celebrará del 20 al 24 de marzo de 2022
por CTAEX el día 9 noviembre, 2021 a las 10:30 am
El 14° Congreso Mundial del Tomate y el 16° Simposium de la ISHS de Tomate Procesado, que […]
La transformación del tomate en España: un ejemplo de integración, sostenibilidad y resiliencia
por CTAEX el día 14 septiembre, 2021 a las 11:21 am
Tomato News se basa en el informe publicado por José Luis Llerena Ruiz, […]
Artículos y patentes
23/01/2019 a 26/01/2019
10/03/2019 A 12/03/2019
World Processing Tomato Council (Wptc)
14th World processing Tomato Congress&16th ISH Symposium on the processing Tomato
15/03/2019 A 19/03/2019
DOE (+Tomate)
OTRAS RESOLUCIONES. Diario Oficial de Extremadura Diario Oficial de Extremadura
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Agricultura - BOE - BoletÃn Oficial del Estado Legislación relativa a Agricultura ingresada en los últimos dos meses en la base de datos del BoletÃn Oficial del Estado
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Alimentación - BOE - BoletÃn Oficial del Estado Legislación relativa a Alimentación ingresada en los últimos dos meses en la base de datos del BoletÃn Oficial del Estado
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Cooperación empresarial (+Tomate)
Turkey based university is seeking industrial partnerships with ceramic manufacturing, electronics, defense, aviation, automotive sector for its laser machining of advanced ceramic dough formation methodology (Ceramic4.0)
el día 6 enero, 2023 a las 12:00 am
Turkey based university has developed a new advanced ceramic dough formation methodology by polymer bridging through coagulation for rapid prototyping. Translation of ceramics manufacturing to Industry 4.0 significantly lags behind other materials. Building upon the current framework of EFPF (European Factory Platform), the university generated automated route for the green machining of yttria-stabilized zirconia as a forefront showcase for the integration of high-performance ceramics to EFPF.
A Bulgarian company offers a smart walkway/pedestrian crossing with artificial intelligence
el día 15 diciembre, 2022 a las 12:00 am
A Bulgarian SME with experience in the R&D of specialised technologies, products, and engineering solutions has developed an automated smart system for light signalisation of pedestrian crossings / walkways using artificial intelligence (AI) for more safety and traffic control on the roads. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies and public authorities.
German company offers custom, fully automated shoe production solutions worldwide -targeted type of cooperation are commercial agreements with technical assistance
el día 14 diciembre, 2022 a las 12:00 am
A German company, innovation leader in the development and production of machines for shoe production, offers solutions for automated material guidance with integrated robots as well as automation solutions for the direct soling process. The company is looking to assist shoe manufacturers bring their production to new heights regarding volume, efficiency, sustainability, and quality and is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Finnish software SME specialised in database performance monitoring is looking for integration partners for commercial agreements with technical assistance
el día 11 diciembre, 2022 a las 12:00 am
A Finnish software company has developed an automated monitoring tool to detect database performance issues in software development. The tool enables real-time performance monitoring during the software development and prevents database performance related software project delays and call-backs from occurring. The company is looking for partners interested to integrate the monitoring tool into existing software development tools under commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Fully automated, fast, easy and reliable production of nanoparticle suspensions
el día 7 diciembre, 2022 a las 12:00 am
A German start-up (in formation) has developed a fully automated laboratory machine for fast, easy and reliable production of high quality nanoparticle suspensions. The machine provides on demand access to nanoparticles. Prototypes exist which have been tested in the development of energy and biomedical materials so far. They look for industrial/academic partners from all fields that use nanoparticle suspension (life sciences, materials, energy, chemistry) for technical/research co-operation.
Licitaciones internacionales (+Tomate)
TED | Agriculture and Food | ALL | EN TED RSS daily subscription to Agriculture and Food business sector for ALL
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